Saturday, December 26, 2009

What type of engine oil should I use if my car burn too much oil?

-blue smoke

-crown vic 94

THANXWhat type of engine oil should I use if my car burn too much oil?
Never put 10W-40 in any gasoline engine. No manufacturer as ever recommended it or does now. Try Valvoline full synthetic 20W -50. Forget Castrol. They have very deceptive advertising practices that compares their full synthetic oil with the leading compeditors regular oil, which leads suckers to think Castrol walks on water. Racers don't even use this garbage.

Have you been keeping up with your regular oil changes? If not flush the crankcase yourself with a quart can or CRC oil flush the next time you change the oil. Fill it with 20W-50 full synthetic Valvoline Racing oil minus a quarts worth of room for one quart of Rislone, a high detergant oil which helps to get the build up off the piston rings, lands and grooves.

Why don't you have a complete compression test done to find out if you have a ring or valve problem.What type of engine oil should I use if my car burn too much oil?
You could go with the high milage oil. Same weight or one a little heavier. if you use 10w30 go to 10w40. There are chemicals in the hi-mile oil that causes the seals to swell to prevent oil from leaking/burning.

Usually the blue smoke is caused from the rings from being worn. But the better oil should help a little. You could also try some additive like smoke-be-gone or something comparable.
At this point my friend, try adding a additive for engines that burn oil or smoke. Then in warmer climates i would run CASTROL 20w50. You really have nothing to lose at this point ! good luck my friend ! P.S if you have high miles DO NOT PUT SLICK 50 IN IT !!!!!
next time you change your oil try and add a bottle of Slick 50 to replace 1 qt of oil and it should seal it. you can find it at walmart or autozone
get the engine rebuilt or find out if it's bad rings or just valve seals and until you do use a straight 30 weight oil as that should help slow the burning down some.
If you've got the 4.6 with the valve guide-seals problem, just run the cheapest 10w30 that you can find.

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