Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How does your body react when it receives a bad burn- like hot oil on the arm and torso?

Does Blood Pressure go up...down?




pupils?How does your body react when it receives a bad burn- like hot oil on the arm and torso?
Generally - BP, temp, pulse, resp all go up. pupils - not sure. If the burn is bad enough the bp drops, resp increase, pulse increases and the body goes into shock.

I was burned by a big splash of hot oil when I was working at a fast food joint and my body's reaction was to run into the back room, strip all of my burning hot clothes off and jump in the wash down room for a cold shower!How does your body react when it receives a bad burn- like hot oil on the arm and torso?
I'm pretty sure my BP rose quite a bit and my pulse quickened,

My breathing was erratic.

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