Thursday, January 7, 2010

I have new oil burning boiler with baseboard heat. my daughters room is always 10 degrees colder?

in the winter than all the other rooms? I've felt the baseboards in there when the heat clicks on and they get hot?? The room is just always colder? I never block the baseboards and the windows are alwyas closed tightly?I have new oil burning boiler with baseboard heat. my daughters room is always 10 degrees colder?
Check the piping down the cellar. Hers may be last on the line. You can call your oil dealer and they can adjust them. Good luck.I have new oil burning boiler with baseboard heat. my daughters room is always 10 degrees colder?
Add additional baseboard is needed
It's possible that the lines to her room are teed off a branch line to another room with exactly the same size pipe. Water will always travel the path of least resistance, so her room, although the water is hot, may not be getting the SAME amount of water as the rest of the rads on that circuit.

Another issue is which way does her outer wall face? Is there sufficient insulation inthe wall space? A north or northwest facing wall is usually colder than the other walls, because the predominant cold wind blows from that direction. Are the windows in her room thermo pane? You can get a window sealing kit from Home Depot or other building supply stores. the plastic sheet is fastened around the window, and you use a heat gun or really good hair dryer to shrink the plastic. this offers another layer of protection from cold air blowing in through the glass. Put a foam shield inside her wall sockets, just under the cover. These will help cut down drafts coming in through the wall sockets.

I think, though, that there is a pipe size issue with the supply and return lines for her baseboard radiation.

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